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Welcome to Elliot Lake Vision 2022

"What do you want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years, and how do we get there?" Elliot Lake Vision 2022 is another way for voters and candidates to find each other. It helps level the playing field for those candidates who have a lot to offer us in civic leadership but don't have a large campaign budget and might not have the advantage of "immediate name recognition." Each candidate received the question Sunday morning and has been invited to send a written response by 6:00 pm Wednesday, September 28. Their answer will be kept confidential until Friday, September 30, when they will be published online simultaneously. This allows candidates to  share their vision early in the election campaign in a timestamped, online public space where their best ideas are obviously theirs - not someone else's! After publication, you can promote candidates by sharing a link to their answer either by email or posted on social media however, commenting on the blog will rema
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For Mayor - Marchisella, Dan

Thank you so much, I will try to be brief but there are many pieces of the puzzle that need to come together.         Over the next 10 years much can happen but changes to attitude and mindset of future council is what needs to occur first, working towards the growth of the community and being respectful of each other's opinions must happen. I believe we can affordably build a community center that houses, the arena, pool, walking track, museum, art gallery and 400 seat theatre, but affordably does not mean free. This gem being located in the heart of the downtown core would draw both local traffic and tourism right downtown helping to support all of the local businesses in the area and meeting the needs of all community groups.        Look into what upgrades can be done at the ski hill, lookout tower and provincial park to increase the experience and tourism draw. Housing diversification is a must for a multitude of various needs.        Spine Rd infrastructure means high end hous

For Mayor - Robinson, Geraldine

The question, what do I want Elliot Lake to be in 10 years?   If the present focus of the city is to be a retirement centre.  Then the city will remain the same, limited shopping, devoid of night life and no expansion.  The first step is to stop marketing the city as only a retirement community.     Elliot Lake has great natural beauty with may outdoor activities.  This asset should be marketed to spark interest in the area and tourism. Implement an aggressive policy to attract new businesses.  An increase business will be bring a population increase of all ages.   These increases would produce a city with a sound infrastructure of good roads and new facilities.  A place where the artists and artisans have a permanent place to produce and display their art. Recreation facilities for the youth of the community.  A commercial centre that answers the needs of citizens, so residents do not have to travel to buy essential goods.  Establish a venue for entertainment I would like Elliot Lake

For Council - Brown, Tammy

What do you want Elliot Lake to look like in 10 years, and how do we get there?  More than anything, 10 years from now I would like to see Elliot Lake thriving with a strong economy. Elliot Lake will have a new hotel that will allow us to host a wide array of events. The downtown core will boast an arts and recreation hub that will showcase our incredible talent, it will be surrounded by local shops and beautiful landscape.  Elliot Lake will be a great place to live, work and play and we will market our community as a lifestyle.We will offer many new trails for travellers to explore. Our infrastructure will be well - maintained and sustainable and put us in a great situation to manage our growth.  Elliot Lake will have a walk in clinic that will ensure everyone will have access to the medical attention they deserve.  Apartment buildings that will be affordable to the community are a must. I would like to see a variety of homes built to benefit all sizes of families, incomes and the age

For Council - Bull, Rick

In the next 10 years, I would like to see Elliot Lake as a community of 13,000+ citizens (more if possible). At least 2 (or more) new industries (either small or medium). A good balance of Seniors, workers, and families. A department store to supply all our basic needs and other retail. Full schools, a venue for the concerts and plays with a museum and Welcome Center as part of it, upgraded parks and better outdoor facilities and trails, with accessibility for all for these areas. Possibly a new hotel/motel. A bustling downtown. No more Elliot Lake known as the city that shuts down at 5 o’clock. Elliot Lake being a year-round Tourism site known province wide. Is it possible? Yes. Here’s how. You must start with a Council that is onboard with all these ideas and some of their own if I missed any. They should have the same vision and able to work together to accomplish this. Encourage more development of housing, both executive and affordable. A Development Charge can be applied to new b

For Council - Finamore, Sandy

My Vision The vision I have for 10 years is simple, at times feels unachievable, but is doable. In order to achieve this, it all begins with relationship building. Continuing partnerships with our Community, our Region, our neighbouring communities, all levels of government, council, city staff, and First Nations in our Region. Together we can do, what alone we cannot. Transportation is a key issue to communities such as ours in the North. Better Rail travel, the airport reopening to an airline and most importantly to keep pushing the province to continue to four lane all highways in the Northern Highway 17 corridor. This needs to be a priority so supply chains and our citizens can safely travel our highways in all seasons. As we continue to develop our airport into an industrial centre the needs of our airport will increase, leading to attracting more industry. We need to do what ever we can with in Municipal Procedures to assist with industries and businesses that are already here wa

For Council - Ibbitson, Bruce

I want Elliot Lake to be regarded as a forward-thinking community that moved the yard sticks post covid, post elections on all fronts, incremental or not but moved forward not the less. I hope in Ten years that we are celebrating the opening of new Rec Center that follow the previous opening of a new Civic Center that contained the Arts Hub, Museum and Welcome Center. At least 5 major infrastructure projects would have been completed in this time frame with more Construction Ready.   I see the new Civic Centre being built on the current location of the E.L. Public Works Yard (to be relocated) on Hwy 108 (across from Rona). Backing on a lake, the new Civic Centre would be a state-of-the-art facility that would be the first major center people would see when they come into town. An inviting and all-encompassing facility that would be the driver of tourism in our city. The former Civic Centre location would now be the location of a major Hotel/Motel chain that was needed to meet the deman

For Council - Kirk, Gary

[Editors note: I don't know how to paraphrase this response.]  Gary responded: " I and those who support me have done a better than fair job of disseminating my message and vision, I think we will continue to do so without your assistance. Thank you, Gary Kirk"

For Council - Kutchaw, Len

Len Kutchaw – Candidate   What do I want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years?   I would want to see a city that has grown and is financially sound. A city that is vibrant and welcoming and provides a safe community for our residents. Infrastructure issues such as water, sewer, and roads, will have been dealt with. The city would have developed strategies to ensure that the residents wishes are aligned with the vision. The city would continually revise the Vision, with input from the community.   How is this achieved:   -           This will require Council to ensure that there is community engagement, having face to face meeting with our residents, to determine priorities and areas of importance. -           This will require Council creating a “ Vision for the City,” that will be the central part developing the strategic plan. -           Council will need to prepare short term and long-term plans. These plans will have to be financially sound to ensure completion. -           Coun

For Council - Laurin, Richard

I would like to see Elliot lake Grow. I forsee more medical staff and doctors.. city counsel members working together with out conflict. I would like more of us to insure were always listening to the voice of the community. After all we represent them. more stores open like work mens ware house I have already spoke to there cooperate office. I would like to stores where families can buy cloths, and the children’s cloths with out having to leave town. We do need change and I get it some don’t like change we need to think very different. Things are not the way it use to be. Would be great to see low income homes and our food bank social services and employment agencies all work together to help young families back on there feet. If we all work together. We can accomplish this and much more. City projects really need to start moving forward. Road repairs a new arts centre and no more waist of tax payers money,   Richard Laurin.

For Council - Lefebvre, Helen

A vibrant and diverse community of all ages groups like we had during the mining days   Achieving what I’m proposing means tackling multiple things that are linked together    We need a strong strategic plan with community input Here are just some of my ideas of what it contains in no specific priority ·         Community minded businesses employing our locals o    actively market and have available lots to attract more industries. o    Identify government incentives for industries to set up in smaller communities. o    Work with all government levels o    The US announced a significant investment to green sustainable energy §   Carol Hughes indicated they will need rare minerals to achieve this plan and that Northern Ontario could prosper from this. o    We need to get involved in this  ·         Tourism activities year-round o    Events focused on every age group. §   Hockey tournaments, baseball tournament, more shows the list goes on. o    There are long weekends almost every mont

For Council - Mann, Norman

Question:  What do you want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years, and how do we get there? Planning for one’s future is very important.  Strategic planning initiatives for a Community is also very important.  The “ where you want to be ” is the goal however the “ how are you going to there ” is of equal importance. Elliot Lake in ten years:   The Elliot Lake I envision will include the following core components. (In no particular order) Update our infrastructure renewal plan . As our road and facilities continue to age we must set realistic timelines for their replacements.  Upgrades and repairs will not last forever.  We must commit to these projects before we are unable to use them.  Road redevelopment needs to be reviewed with the intention of resetting our priorities.  We are still suffering the effects of a post-COVID economy with inflation and labour market shortages.  We must find ways to complete the necessary road work prior to further failure.  Economic development to ensur

For Council - Morrissette, Luc D.

Question:  What do you want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years, and how do we get there? First, I hope we have a council that is working together. Second I think Elliot Lake needs to work on Waterfront properties. We keep saying it is the Jewel of the North with so many lakes; let’s slowly work on continuing developing this. Next we needed to try to bring some kind of retailer for clothing for families? Maybe we should approach Zellers now to come back to town. If possible we need to increase our tax base with some kind of industry. This is where our economic development department comes into play. It may not have to be big industries, even a few smaller ones is good. We should be looking at companies that are looking at finding a new home and look what we can do to attract them here. I am hoping to have a new Art Centre and a welcome centre open in a few years. This will help with attraction of new business and residents to town. We need to find serious investors for housing and ho

For Council - Van Roon, Tammy

Diversity: A continued evolution towards more diversity in our age demographic.  During the last two terms of council there have been some great advancements in providing services to help attract more working families, such as the splash pad, the skate park, the autism playground, the docks on Elliot Lake, etc.  I believe continuing and expanding in this direction will greatly assist Elliot Lake in attracting more businesses.  Development: I would love to see one lake dedicated to seasonal recreational off-grid property.  Meaning a family can place their RV on a site, without the requirement to build.  No services would be provided, adherence to the Algoma Health unit re: water and waste would be a stipulation, of course.  This would bring in tax revenue, with low cost to the municipality.  I hope to see phase 2 of the cottage lot initiative revived and to partner with the serpent river first nations to achieve common goals in this regard. I do not foresee a great deal of major urb