I would like to see Elliot lake Grow. I forsee more medical
staff and doctors.. city counsel members working together with out conflict. I
would like more of us to insure were always listening to the voice of the
community. After all we represent them. more stores open like work mens ware
house I have already spoke to there cooperate office. I would like to stores
where families can buy cloths, and the children’s cloths with out having to
leave town. We do need change and I get it some don’t like change we need to
think very different. Things are not the way it use to be. Would be great to
see low income homes and our food bank social services and employment agencies
all work together to help young families back on there feet. If we all work
together. We can accomplish this and much more. City projects really need to
start moving forward. Road repairs a new arts centre and no more waist of tax
payers money,
A vibrant and diverse community of all ages groups like we had during the mining days Achieving what I’m proposing means tackling multiple things that are linked together We need a strong strategic plan with community input Here are just some of my ideas of what it contains in no specific priority · Community minded businesses employing our locals o actively market and have available lots to attract more industries. o Identify government incentives for industries to set up in smaller communities. o Work with all government levels o The US announced a significant investment to green sustainable energy § Carol Hughes indicated they will need rare minerals to achieve this plan and that Northern Ontario could prosper from this. o We need to get involved in this · Tourism activities year-round o E...