A vibrant and
diverse community of all ages groups like we had during the mining days
Achieving what I’m proposing means tackling multiple things that are linked together
We need a strong strategic plan with community input
Here are just
some of my ideas of what it contains in no specific priority
· Community minded businesses employing
our locals
o actively market and have available lots
to attract more industries.
o Identify government incentives for
industries to set up in smaller communities.
o Work with all government levels
o The US announced a significant
investment to green sustainable energy
§ Carol Hughes indicated they will need
rare minerals to achieve this plan and that Northern Ontario could prosper from
o We need to get involved in this
· Tourism activities year-round
o Events focused on every age group.
§ Hockey tournaments, baseball tournament,
more shows the list goes on.
o There are long weekends almost every
month – monthly events
o increase traffic to support our local
businesses during these events
§ give attendees a card containing local
businesses if they spend $10 at 3 or more locations their names will be entered
into a draw for say $1,000
§ A tab on City website like you have in a
mall that allows tourists to filter stores by type with advertising to this
page at every event
o More money coming into our city allows
us to expand our facilities
§ it will attract more investors to want
to build here because our city has a much stronger business case for them to be
§ build a much-needed arts hub
§ We will see more retail businesses
wanting to set up shop in Elliot lake.
· Training opportunities for people to
grow their careers here in Elliot Lake.
o Set up training facilities
o Work with universities and colleges open
satellite facilities with courses our community needs to train here and stay
· Healthcare that focuses on treating the
whole person not just what’s wrong with you today
o Continue to actively market for new
o More hospital equipment raising money
like we did for our catscan means more healthcare providers will want to
practice here.
o More services for them, a work life
· More housing (affordable, larger homes,
multi residential, Long-Term Care)
· Let’s fix our roads, improve our bus
service and fix our aging facilities, more youth services.
· Revamp our downtown core. The old mall
site is an eyesore. Our downtown core looks aged and worn.
· Expand our services at the airport
· A Community that takes care of their own
o let’s not lose sight that we marketed
ourselves on senior living… address their needs.
o Make it easier for newcomers to
integrate themselves and get to know people
o Take care of our homelessness, those
that suffer abuse, mental health issues.
o Strong partnerships with our indigenous
· A council we can trust that works
together, is transparent, listens to the people… gets things done!