Question: What do you want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years, and how do we get there?
Planning for one’s future is very
important. Strategic planning
initiatives for a Community is also very important. The “where
you want to be” is the goal however the “how are you going to there” is of equal importance.
Elliot Lake in ten years: The
Elliot Lake I envision will include the following core components. (In no
particular order)
Update our infrastructure
renewal plan. As our road and facilities continue to age we must
set realistic timelines for their replacements.
Upgrades and repairs will not last forever. We must commit to these projects before we are
unable to use them. Road redevelopment needs
to be reviewed with the intention of resetting our priorities. We are still suffering the effects of a
post-COVID economy with inflation and labour market shortages. We must find ways to complete the necessary
road work prior to further failure.
development to ensure
Economic Success. A focus on commercial
and industrial land expansion to attract new business investment. We must also continue to support an
environment that allows for the expansion of existing business. Economic Development is not just about
attracting new business but it is also about keeping the businesses we have
access to quality Healthcare
for the Residents of Elliot Lake. In order for Elliot Lake to continue to
succeed we must continue to invest in Physician and Healthcare
recruitment. Currently new physicians to
Elliot Lake are replacing those physicians that are retiring. We must ensure we continue to attract new physicians
that will take on currently “orphaned patients” (without a current family
doctor). Investments in the Elliot Lake healthcare system like the addition of
the CT scanner at St. Joseph’s General Hospital dramatically improve access to
this much need technology which improves patient care.
The Roadmap to get us there:
through Good Governance. City Council must work together in an open
and transparent manner to forward the vision for Elliot Lake. All members of Council should be provided the
same level of information on all topics to ensure sound and well informed
decision making.
Continued Strong
Financial Management and Fiscal Responsibility while seeking
current and new non-traditional funding opportunities. We need to leverage the tax dollars we raise
to access further funding. Matching
grants, stackable funding and longer term borrowing are all options that must
be considered in order to have the funds necessary to support our future cash requirements.
Community Engagement is very important and often overlooked. Council needs to listen and have open
communication with the Residents that elected us. We cannot make decisions in a vacuum. Not all decisions will be viewed as the
“correct one”. Decision making is and
will be a balancing act between expectations and what can be truly
achieved. Seeking regular Community
input and not just when a contentious issue presents must become a part of our
ongoing action plan.
We may not always agree however with
mutual respect and a reasonable approach anything will be made possible for our
home of Elliot Lake.
Thank you for the opportunity to reach
out to the Residents of Elliot Lake.
For further information on my platform
please feel free to reach out to me at:
All of which is respectfully
Norman Mann, Candidate for Council