The question, what do I want
Elliot Lake to be in 10 years? If the
present focus of the city is to be a retirement centre. Then the city will remain the same, limited
shopping, devoid of night life and no expansion. The first step is to stop marketing the city as
only a retirement community. Elliot
Lake has great natural beauty with may outdoor activities. This asset should be marketed to spark
interest in the area and tourism. Implement an aggressive policy to attract new
businesses. An increase business will be
bring a population increase of all ages. These
increases would produce a city with a sound infrastructure of good roads and
new facilities. A place where the
artists and artisans have a permanent place to produce and display their art.
Recreation facilities for the youth of the community. A commercial centre that answers the needs of
citizens, so residents do not have to travel to buy essential goods. Establish a venue for entertainment I would
like Elliot Lake to return to the vibrant city of the past
A vibrant and diverse community of all ages groups like we had during the mining days Achieving what I’m proposing means tackling multiple things that are linked together We need a strong strategic plan with community input Here are just some of my ideas of what it contains in no specific priority · Community minded businesses employing our locals o actively market and have available lots to attract more industries. o Identify government incentives for industries to set up in smaller communities. o Work with all government levels o The US announced a significant investment to green sustainable energy § Carol Hughes indicated they will need rare minerals to achieve this plan and that Northern Ontario could prosper from this. o We need to get involved in this · Tourism activities year-round o E...