Thank you so much, I will try to be brief but there are
many pieces of the puzzle that need to come together.
Over the next 10 years much can happen but changes to attitude and mindset of future council is what needs to occur first, working towards the growth of the community and being respectful of each other's opinions must happen. I believe we can affordably build a community center that houses, the arena, pool, walking track, museum, art gallery and 400 seat theatre, but affordably does not mean free. This gem being located in the heart of the downtown core would draw both local traffic and tourism right downtown helping to support all of the local businesses in the area and meeting the needs of all community groups.
Look into what upgrades can be done at the ski hill, lookout
tower and provincial park to increase the experience and tourism draw. Housing
diversification is a must for a multitude of various needs.
Spine Rd infrastructure means high end housing facing the
lake and the beginnings of a much needed new-subdivision with new apartments,
town houses and waterfront homes. Servicing the 40 acres below Beaver Mountain
for larger estate lots. Working with investors and non-profits towards a tiny
home park for those down-sizing and for affordable housing possibly located at
the former Senator trailer park area.
Now that the city has sold almost every available industrial
and commercial lot, it is time to invest in infrastructure to grow the use of
our airport and start adding to the industrial use which is much sought after.
These new developments add to our tax base and population which eventually
alleviates tax burdens on the residents.
Working with our First Nations neighbours towards
reconciliation, education and understanding. Partnerships for bettering the
provincial park, and their planned uses for the former MNR site will increase
tourism also. Future partnerships towards eco-tourism, tiny home camps on the
trail systems and geo-cache mapping again adds to the quality of life and the
draw to our community.
Supporting the non-profits and social wellness organizations
in the community makes our community stronger, "people caring for
We need increase investment into replacing our aged infrastructure
and roads while planning for the infrastructure needs for ongoing growth that
will continue, we cannot short change these projects anymore.
Special town hall meetings for public input have happened,
but with low turnout, we need to address how to increase public participation
for any major changes in future service or development before the fact and not
after decisions have been made.
Both a business and a city have this in common, you MUST
invest in order to grow, being cheap did not work in the past and it will not
work in the future.
My humble opinion, but not everything I see...