In the next 10 years, I would like to see Elliot Lake as a
community of 13,000+ citizens (more if possible). At least 2 (or more) new
industries (either small or medium). A good balance of Seniors, workers, and
families. A department store to supply all our basic needs and other retail.
Full schools, a venue for the concerts and plays with a museum and Welcome
Center as part of it, upgraded parks and better outdoor facilities and trails,
with accessibility for all for these areas. Possibly a new hotel/motel. A
bustling downtown. No more Elliot Lake known as the city that shuts down at 5
o’clock. Elliot Lake being a year-round Tourism site known province wide.
Is it possible? Yes.
Here’s how.
You must start with a Council that is onboard with all these
ideas and some of their own if I missed any. They should have the same vision
and able to work together to accomplish this.
Encourage more development of housing, both executive and
affordable. A Development Charge can be applied to new builds to help with
costs associated with water and sewer, new roads, sidewalks, parks to name a
few. Developers don’t see this as a hindrance because they pass that cost on to
the buyers of the builds. Development also affects our current services with
regards to road maintenance, landfill use, and other services offered by the city.
Ensure developers use local resources.
Encourage more shop local initiatives. Online shopping seems
so easy, but it affects the businesses here, maybe making them not being able
to supply the right product. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard when asking
for an item that “it can be here by Thursday”.
Actively pursue all grants available. The Reconnect Ontario
is a grant that helps with festivals for example. The Natural Infrastructure
Fund is another that helps with trails. We applied for funding, but it seems
that we are near that deadline. We send staff away for conferences and
conventions and I’m sure all grants are mentioned at these functions.
Elliot Lake needs more promotion as a year-round tourism
site. We need to be known province wide.
Encourage the generations XYZ to stay and/or return home. We
would have to listen to their needs and ensure that we can supply them.
A walk-in clinic should be up and running by then if not
A new arena and a venue for concerts and plays should be
built by then. Culture and sports are important.
To make money you must spend money. Taxes must be
appropriate. Every and all grants should be applied for, whether with
government or businesses. Fundraisers work as we have seen with the hospital
bed fundraiser.
A Strategic Plan that works towards these targets is
necessary. We must look after the whole community. Community involvement is necessary. I’ve seen
quite a few good ideas mentioned and I hope that the ideas go forward and don’t
get dropped after the election.
By working together, all of us, we can turn this city into what it is capable of being. We must be open minded and optimistic.