Diversity: A continued evolution towards more diversity in
our age demographic. During the last two terms of council there have been
some great advancements in providing services to help attract more working
families, such as the splash pad, the skate park, the autism playground, the
docks on Elliot Lake, etc. I believe continuing and expanding in this
direction will greatly assist Elliot Lake in attracting more businesses.
Development: I would love to see one lake dedicated to seasonal
recreational off-grid property. Meaning a family can place their RV on a
site, without the requirement to build. No services would be provided,
adherence to the Algoma Health unit re: water and waste would be a stipulation,
of course. This would bring in tax revenue, with low cost to the
municipality. I hope to see phase 2 of the cottage lot initiative revived
and to partner with the serpent river first nations to achieve common goals in
this regard.
I do not foresee a great deal of major urban development with our current Real
Estate Market and looming recession, however, home owner developed property has
been successful, both in town and with waterfront development. What
buyers consistently ask for are larger lots, with privacy.
Communications: I hope to see rumours and misunderstandings between
council and the community eliminated.
Unfortunately, in many cases information that is reported on does not provide
the context. In my view this causes unnecessary conflict within the
community. It would be beneficial to see a media release made by council
to provide the community with accurate information as issues arise.
Landfill: Our landfill and recycling program are greatly inferior to those
we’ve seen in other communities. We need to set a higher standard.
Education for the public on what can and cannot be recycled.
Resources: One common issue I see as a realtor is in pointing our new
residents in the right direction. Many are unaware of the services, clubs
and organizations available to them. Our welcome center needs to be located in
a highly visible area, with the resources and contact information for those
resources available in one location.
Local Business: I would like to see the downtown revitalization
completed, there was to have been a Gazebo built. I envision a downtown
core somewhat similar to the markets in Germany, where I lived for 5 years…with
benches, flowers, awnings. Somewhere people like to go to not only visit
our shops, but to take in the charm and to meet others.
Property standards: We need to investigate and issue property
standard notices to properties within the municipalities that are derelict, and
safety hazards, such as the old school on Lisbon.
Elliot Lake: I would like to see a paved walking path from the
boat launch through to Spine Beach. With the topography of our community
walking is a challenge for many, this is one initiative that took place in
Barrie, it was very successful.