Question: What do you want Elliot Lake to look like
in ten years, and how do we get there?
First, I hope we have a council that is working together.
Second I think Elliot Lake needs to work on Waterfront properties. We keep
saying it is the Jewel of the North with so many lakes; let’s slowly work on
continuing developing this. Next we needed to try to bring some kind of
retailer for clothing for families? Maybe we should approach Zellers now to
come back to town. If possible we need to increase our tax base with some kind
of industry. This is where our economic development department comes into play.
It may not have to be big industries, even a few smaller ones is good. We
should be looking at companies that are looking at finding a new home and look
what we can do to attract them here.
I am hoping to have a new Art Centre and a welcome centre open
in a few years. This will help with attraction of new business and residents to
town. We need to find serious investors for housing and hotel. Hockey
tournaments, Drag racing, baseball, Golf & fishing winter and summer
tournaments are a big draw to any towns.
With increase in our tax base, I would like to see more repairs
done to our streets and city buildings. Love the new Arena and Pool.
More collaboration with towns in the area could be beneficial
to all. If any investors are interested in Elliot Lake, we should look at
welcoming them.
In 10 years, I can see Elliot Lake a vibrant community, and I
can’t wait for it to develop.
Luc Morrissette