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For Council - Kutchaw, Len

Len Kutchaw – Candidate

 What do I want Elliot Lake to look like in ten years?

 I would want to see a city that has grown and is financially sound. A city that is vibrant and welcoming and provides a safe community for our residents. Infrastructure issues such as water, sewer, and roads, will have been dealt with. The city would have developed strategies to ensure that the residents wishes are aligned with the vision. The city would continually revise the Vision, with input from the community.

 How is this achieved:

 -          This will require Council to ensure that there is community engagement, having face to face meeting with our residents, to determine priorities and areas of importance.

-          This will require Council creating a “Vision for the City,” that will be the central part developing the strategic plan.

-          Council will need to prepare short term and long-term plans. These plans will have to be financially sound to ensure completion.

-          Council needs to determine what short term - plans would be dealt with, such as infrastructure issues, attracting new businesses and sourcing funding.

-          Council’s Long-term planning would deal with the replacement of recreational facilities such as the swimming pool, the arena, and the arts center.

-          Council will need to work very diligently to establish relationships with both provincial and federal government agencies so that funding to our community would be guaranteed.


This vision can not or will not happen if we maintain the status quo. Change will take strong leadership, strategic planning, and decisive action. Deferring, deflecting, and denying, will not get it done.


 Leadership is Action not Position 

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