I want Elliot Lake to be regarded as a forward-thinking
community that moved the yard sticks post covid, post elections on all fronts,
incremental or not but moved forward not the less. I hope in Ten years that we
are celebrating the opening of new Rec Center that follow the previous opening
of a new Civic Center that contained the Arts Hub, Museum and Welcome Center.
At least 5 major infrastructure projects would have been completed in this time
frame with more Construction Ready.
I see the new Civic Centre being built on the current
location of the E.L. Public Works Yard (to be relocated) on Hwy 108 (across
from Rona). Backing on a lake, the new Civic Centre would be a state-of-the-art
facility that would be the first major center people would see when they come
into town. An inviting and all-encompassing facility that would be the driver
of tourism in our city. The former Civic Centre location would now be the
location of a major Hotel/Motel chain that was needed to meet the demands of
increased tourism.
Partnering with our First Nation Neighbours, a scaled
back version of Phase II of the Waterfront development would have started that
would increase our tax base while providing building locations for
Professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Technicians) to entice them to relocate here.
With the City now growing, a Plan of Subdivision would have been
designed/approved by the City for development by Building Entrepreneurs.
A.D.S.A.B. (Algoma District Services Administration Board) with the lobbying
efforts of the 4 Board Members from the City would have built at least one Rent
Gear to Income Apartment Complex with RGI single family units being the next
With a growing community, businesses in the services and
tourism sectors would be on the rise.
There are “needs” and there are “wants”. “Needs” are
typically infrastructure project (first priority) e.g. Hillside North Rebuild,
without them your community will not be safe and will fail. “Wants” are
projects that will grow a community, e.g. Arts Hub, Rec Hub, Housing etc. There
are a lot of very good “Wants” out there. The Challenge is how to fund these
projects and how to move them forward.
My thoughts are for the next 4 years is to prioritize current and future projects by
placing them into 3 categories as follows:
- Concept Ready: Ideas coming from the community
- Grant Ready: complete funding applications
- Construction Ready: fully funded by either or both Grants/Taxes
There will be a
process developed for the criteria to place the various projects in each
category. Projects will move from category to category by following a checklist
of required items that will need to be satisfied before moving up to the next
category. Each category will have a different check list of items to satisfy.
By categorizing the projects, the priority for them will automatically
be set.
The above
process will demonstrate responsible budgeting for what is truly needed now,
infrastructure upgrades but will show that E.L. is moving
forward/progressing on other fronts, Arts, Recreation, Tourism etc.